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1 Million Brick Appeal

Help provide hot meals and food packs
for the most needy people.

Ways to Donate

qadriatrust appeals
Sadaqah Jariyah

About the Appeal

Picture a scene 5 years from now.

A young boy celebrates with his family as he finally becomes a hafidh of the Qur’an.

After months of learning, a young woman accepts Islam as a result of the learning circles she has been attending.

How many people will just these two individuals impact during the course of their lives? Imagine the amount of beneficial knowledge they will spread to their families, children, parents and friends – by the permission of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

Now imagine you donated to the very project that taught and inspired them.

Your donation no matter the amount will be a catalyst for a waterfall of good deeds upon good deeds. The benefits of these will continue to spiral and multiply, reaching people you will never even know. All of this will continue accruing goodness for you until Qiyamah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that:

“Verily, Allah will raise up a date or a morsel in charity, just as one of you raises his mare or his young, until it becomes like the mountain of Uhud.”

Musnad Ahmad, vol. 6 pg. 251, Sahih Ibn Hibban; Al Ihsan, Hadith: 3317

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Donate towards our 1 Million Brick Appeal and Build Your House in Jannah. #OneBrickAtATime

Where Most Needed

Donate towards our 1 Million Brick Appeal and Build Your House in Jannah. #OneBrickAtATime