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1 Million Brick Appeal

Help provide hot meals and food packs
for the most needy people.


Giving to the Where Most Needed fund allows us to provide the best possible support to vulnerable families around the world at a time of need and in times of emergencies.

As well as providing immediate relief to communities affected by disasters and conflicts, your donations contribute to sustainable developments in the provision of healthcare, clean water, food, and education.

When an emergency arises, we must act quickly to provide relief to those who need it. We can provide life-saving relief to families affected by war and natural disasters immediately with the Where Most Needed Fund when time is of the essence.

You can donate your Sadaqah or Zakat to help people in their time of need!

Other Appeals

Sadaqah Jariyah

Donate towards our 1 Million Brick Appeal and Build Your House in Jannah. #OneBrickAtATime

Business Sponsorship

Donate towards our 1 Million Brick Appeal and Build Your House in Jannah. #OneBrickAtATime

Mussalla Appeal

Donate towards our 1 Million Brick Appeal and Build Your House in Jannah. #OneBrickAtATime